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The key to success: Conducting your health & wellbeing audit and analysis

In our first blog of the series ‘The key to success: Building your perfect health & wellbeing committee’ we looked at which key stakeholders should be included to successfully mobilise and deliver your business wide health and wellbeing strategy. Now that you've built the right team with the right skills, what's the next step?

Workshop & Wellbeing Audit.

The next step is to engage as a group and share your knowledge and expertise against a considered agenda. This could be in the format of in depth workshops or a series of internal meetings. At Via Vita Health we run half to full day workshops with our client's wellbeing committee members to present back to them the key findings from our research and analysis focussing on the below key areas.

  • Current business & wellbeing objectives & strategy

  • Previous activities relating to health, wellbeing, reward & engagement

  • Internal capability

  • Current third party relationships and performance

  • Current state analysis

  • External factors

  • Future state aspirations, objectives & KPIS

Whichever route you choose, as a group you need to come together and look at all the datasets out of isolation, understand the correlations and causations, and a agree on the overall direction of the strategy for the greatest good of the company and its employees. Building an accurate picture of your organisation and your employees is key to the success of your health and wellbeing strategy.

Understanding the data

When looking at the data in these sessions, it’s wise to remember the context at the time they were recorded, such as how the economy was performing , were resources in short supply or was there a flu epidemic that could have skewed the data? Equally it’s prudent to acknowledge what the lead and lag indicators are when look at what KPIs you can measure the success of your health & wellbeing programme against. For example, high obesity levels picked up in your health surveillance data could be a leading indicator to increased long term absence in the future.

Short vs long term objectives

Your KPIs should mirror those already recorded and recognised within the business and should directly correlate to you achieving your health and wellbeing goals and objectives. The CIPD Absence Management Survey 2015 cited that,“Organisations that achieved their absence targets were significantly more likely to manage absence through promoting health and well-being than those that did not achieve their targets,”therefore absence can be a key metric in determining the success of your health and wellbeing strategy. That said, absence levels are unlikely to change overnight and should therefore be a much longer term objective of the programme. Creating the right mix of short and long term objectives and KPIs is key if you are to continually demonstrate the value of your health and wellbeing programme to your key stakeholders throughout the year.

Stay Focussed

It’s tempting to try to solve all of the issues you uncover through this analysis at once, but you must try and focussed and start tackling the most important issues first. Trying to solves all the issues your uncover in this audit and analysis phase can risk diluting your message and confusing not only yourselves but your employees as well.

For more information on this article or to book your free consultation, please contact one of the Via Vita Team at [email protected].

Healthy Regards,

Via Vita Health Team.

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